Monday, February 23, 2015

Getting to know Jennie

In other words don't judge a book by its cover. But, in the feline sense.

Hello everyone,

I want to introduce myself to you as well as give you a little background information. I am a mid 40's mother of three who is currently attending Ashford University in the pursuit of getting my Bachelor's of Arts in Communications with a minor in Psychology. I should be finished and graduate sometime in early spring. 

My personal life is just that personal and will not be discussed on this blog.  I am married to an active duty United States soldier for twenty years as of this September. In being married to someone in the military I have had the pleasure (NOT) of being moved around to several different places.  Ranging from North Carolina, Tornado alley,the home of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, to being in Germany and coming back to the Midwest where I have family and friends. 

I have a strong interest in the prevention of bullying, teenage suicides, and helping of Veterans suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Other interests include baking, crafting and the reading of Laurell K. Hamilton books, watching Doctor Who.  
Best advice ever given.


Unknown said...

Jennie- I thought your blog background and design were interesting, too. I think that the usage of color in the layout of the Learning Enrichment and Accelerated Program was helpful in breaking up the document. I think that your post on conflict resolution had a lot of really good ideas in it. I especially agreed with your idea to let the person in the conflict know how his or her behavior impacts others. I think that might be the turning point for someone in a conflict to resolve the issue within.
If I could make one suggestion, at the bottom of the post, you have a graphic of two people who appear to be resolving a conflict engaged in a hug. I would omit that photo because it is a bit racy. I get why you used it, it’s a cute little graphic. But, it could throw your credibility into question with the amount of exposed skin. Just my opinion!
For anyone else looking to spruce up their blog, I recommend this website- it’s so easy to use!

I look forward to reading your critiques on my blog. I’m sure I can use improvements!

Unknown said...


Thank you for your comment. Glad you found it interesting.